V 1.01 2012-AUG-04
Changes and corrections in V1.01:
- PED Contre Bombarde 32 lowest octave was wrongly tuned.
- PED CoirDeNuit 4 highest octave had wrong levels (too loud) compared to the other octaves.
- Completely new CHOIR Clarinet 8. We were never extremely pleased with the initial offering, but it takes time to get all done and verified, even on single ranks, but we finally got the newly recorded and much better Clarinet through final QA.
- We have more finely tuned and also changed and replaced some of the Tremulant masters. We had a few cases where the Tremulant master gave shimmering beats, like in Mixture 4th octave and a few others, like Hautbois and Vox Humana, were the frequency changes using Tremulant were too much undulating at the lower octaves.
- We have also adjusted the Expression levels a little. On average most higher frequencies are now damped ~2db more with shutters closed, while for Mixtures we now on average reduce the higher frequencies almost 4db more. The total effect is that with completely closed shutters the higher frequencies feels more damped than they did in the V 1.0 release. Not extremely so, but enough to be noticed.
- a few single notes here and there has been adjusted in levels and tuning, but nothing major.
For upgrades you will receive a separate email from our Order server. This email will contain a link to your entry page at the Etcetera Self Service Center, where you issue download links your products. On your list of available products for download you should then find:
- Major I Wet Upgrade to V1.01 (105MB)
- Major I Dry Upgrade to V1.01 (77MB)
or, in case you have both Wet and Dry, both the above.
When you issue download links they should be immediately be sent to your inbox.
After downloading the links you will need to install the files in Hauptwerk.
This is done from the menus just like when installing a new organ.
The difference will be that the options will default to do an UPGRADE of the organ.
After running the upgrade the new version 1.01 can be loaded.
If you have applied voicing parameters to the PED-Contre Bombarde32, PED-CorDeNuit 4 or the CHOIR-Clarinet 8, these might need to be revisited.