Etcetera Virtual Pipe Organs

Etcetera Consulting records, programs, designs and publishes Virtual Pipe Organs for use with Milan Digital Audio’s Hauptwerk Software. Etcetera Consulting is also the coordinating and publishing partner for the Hydra Sound Group, a cooperation of Pipe Organ recording companies and individuals from all over the world. The group represents many of the most skillfull contributors to the Virtual Pipe Organ community, with expertise in recording, playing, noise reduction, voicing, UI design and programming. Members of the group have contributed to more than 20 of the organs currently available, and are involved in several organs soon to be released, some here at Etcetera Organs, but also as consultants and suppliers to other Virtual Pipe Organ publishers. Over the last 8 years we as a group have been acquiring recordings from several different pipe organs from all around the world. We have recorded several different styles of complete and partial pipe organs from different continents and centuries, and we have a growing database of mostly Dry recordings, grouped by styles and organ builders that have been influenced by the same philosophy and with similar tonal characteristics. If you need to contact us use: etc.etc<at> We are currently involved in several projects, more of these to be published here later this year…

Oct. 2016, Introducing visitor map:

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Organ releases:

May 9, 2016

Major II – NECO – Northern European Cathedral Organ

Sep 1, 2012:

Minor I – American Classic Organs

Jul 10, 2012:

Major I – American Classic Organs

Dec 19, 2011

The Jörgensen Tribute Organ.

August 26, 2014

The Ryhope Compton 3/9 Theater Organ originaly released here is now distributed and supported by Melotone Sound Productions